Date: 7th October 2010
Sector: Sydney (SYD) - Gold Coast (OOL)
Virgin Blue to me is a low cost airline operated in Australia. It is also Australia's second-largest airline as well as the largest by fleet size to utilise the Virgin brand [1]. As always, if you purchase your ticket early, you will get the best rate from them. As for me, I bought it on the day itself thus leaving me with higher fare. Just like any other LCC, you pay for only what you use.
To buy the ticket, it is advisable to do it online. However, the service counter will gladly help you with the purchase. They could even check you in straight and all you have to do is to drop off your luggage (if applicable) at the dedicated counter. All this is easy and at breeze.
Departure Hall
The Sydney Terminal 2 offer an ample seating area and dedicated Gate for Virgin Blue. So it is easy for you to get around the terminal. Terminal 2 is mostly dedicated to low cost airline and regional airline.
For the flight, the Boeing 737-800 is being utilized. It is consider to be a brand new fleet and nicely maintain by DJ. The seats are a bit cramp but it does serve it purpose. Might not be so good for tall or big person though. All the seats are in leather and I personally find that leather seat if alright for a short flight but not for long distance flight.
Cabin Crew
The crew are nice and cheery. They are very efficient in doing their job. From my observation, they work nonstop right after departure until the time the aircraft land. Still I can see they smile.
In-flight Entertainment
Every seats are equipt with personal IFE. In this case, you have to pay if you like to use the IFE. I am not really sure if the headset is given free or you need to pay for it as I did not use it. The flight is just under 1:15 hours, I think I better save my A$10 for something else. The flight information still available free for viewing.
The meal need to be purchase as well. They do have set with drink available for sale. In my case, I can't review this section as I did not try it.
Overall Rating
Check-in 5/5
Departure Hall 4/5
Aircraft 5/5
Cabin Crew 4/5
In-flight Entertainment N/A
Meal N/A

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